The Power of Learning Leads to the Power of Sharing and the Power of Sharing Leads to the Power of Empowering!

Friday, October 5, 2012


Lesson Plan

Grade                                   : 4/ I
Language Skill                   : Listening & Speaking
Topic                                     : Colours
Time Allocation                                : 2x30 minutes

Standard competence
Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas

Basic Competence

2.2 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi jasa/barang secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta bantuan, meminta barang, dan memberi barang.

Learning Objectives
In the end of the lesson students are expected to:
·         Identify the expression of asking  things. “Please bring me.....”
·         Identify the name of colours.
·         Pronuncing the name of colours.
·         Pronuncing the expression of asking thing.
Learning Materials
1.       Story.
2.       Vocabulary (names of colour): white, brown, green, blue, yellow, black, red, pink, purple, grey.
3.       Expression of asking and giving things: “Please bring me......”
4.       Pictures of school stationery.
5.       Pictures of students carrying colourful school stationery.
Learning Activities
1.       Teacher greets the students “Good morning children”, “How are you today?”.
2.       Teacher does small talk about teacher’s experience when he/she was visiting stationery to buy something.
Example:  “Yesterday, I went to the stationery. I bought red pencil, green pencil case, and blue book. That was interesting”.
3.       Teacher asks student whether they have gone to the stationery. “How about you?” “Have you ever gone there?” “What did you buy?”
4.       Teacher points out some students individually to share their experience when they are visiting stationery.
5.       Teacher asks students to sing a song together. “Do you like sing a song? I have a song for you. The song is about colours. I will sing it for you and after that repeat after me”.
6.       Teacher delivers the topic of the lesson today. “Do you enjoy the song?”. “Well, today we are going to learn about colours”.

Main Activity
Activity I
7.       Teacher shows the pictures of student who has colourful school stationery.
8.       Teacher describes the picture “Well do you know his name? His name is Iqbal. Look at his uniform! He wears white shirt and red short. How about his shoes? What colour is it?....”
9.       Teacher explains about colours through Iqbal’s school stationery “What colour is it (pointing out at Iqbal’s pencil) repeat after me”
10.    Students repeat after what teacher saidBlue pencil”.
11.   Teacher checks students’ understandng on te name of colours by pointing out some of them “Reza what colour is it?”
Activity 2
12.   Teacher tells that Iqbal lost his bag. “Friends, Sweeper stole Iqbal’s bag and he hide all the stationery inside it. Can you help  Iqbal to find his stationery?”
13.   Teacher tells students that they are going to play a game “Ok, now we are going to play a game. Now everybody stand up please. The name of the game is Bring Me”.
14.   Teacher gives the exapmple to play the game:
·         Teacher divides students into 4 groups. Each group consists of 10 persons.
·         Teacher provides pictures of school stationery in the bag.
·         Teacher explains how to play a game by acting it out.
15.   Students do the game.
16.   Teacher checks the results of each group. “Now i would like to check your work. After i read the answer, then repeat after me, OK.” “Ok Reza what should we do?”
Post activity
17.   Teacher asks the students whether they enjoy the lesson or not “Did you enjoy the game?”
18.   Teacher reviews the materials by singing the song “OK, what have you learned today? To make it easy to remember, let’s sing a song together”.
19.   Students and teacher sing a song together.
20.   Teacher gives homework to students.
21.   Teacher closes the lesson by saying good bye.

1.       Iqbal’s picture used by teacher when he/she is describing school stationery.
2.       Song used to remember the name of colours
3.       Worksheet.
4.       Story of iqbal
5.       4 sets of pictures containg colourful school stationery.

Assessment Tools

Cross (X)  the right answer!


[pic: a red book]
What colour is it? (read by teacher)
a. blue
b. pink
c. orange
d. red

1. [pic: a pair of blue shoes]
What colour is it? (read by teacher)
a. yellow
b. blue
c. green
d. purple

3. [pic: brown bag, yellow pencil, grey eraser, purple ruller, white shirt, black pen]

What colour is pen? (read by teacher)
a. brown
b. black
c. white
d. grey

4. what colour is eraser? (read by teacher)
a. grey
b. black
c. white
d. yellow

5. what colour is shirt? (read by teacher)
a.  yellow
b. grey
c. brown
d. white

6. Iqbal and Reza go to library. Iqbal is looking for math book. He find it on the top of bookshelf. He cannot reach it. So, he asks Reza to bring the book. Iqbal says...
a. please bring me the book
b. please bring me the pencil
c. please drink me a book
d. please sing me a song

7. At drawing class, the teacher does not bring blue crayon. She asks her student, Linda, to bring her blue crayon. She says...
a. please think me a yellow eraser
b. please bring me a green eraser
c. please bring me a blue eraser
d. please drink me a blue eraser

8. Nisa is going to draw triangle. Her yellow ruller is in her bag. She asks Mira, her classmate, to bring her ruller. She says...
a. please bring me a yellow ruller
b. please bring me a pink ruller
c. please bring me a pink roller
d. please bring me a yellow roller

Alternative Assessment

Teacher provides some pictures of colourful school stationery. Teacher asks the students to come forward in pairs. Teacher asks students to pronounce the name of stationery in the picture.
(teacher picks the picture of brown book)
“What is it?”
“This is brown book”


  1. Hello, I'm Indri Eka Pertiwi (0900213) from class B.
    In my opinion, what your group has done basically covers the needs of the students. Moreover, here, I have several suggestions which hopefully can contribute to a better improvement of your lesson plan.
    - First, the learning objectives seem to be graded. On the other hand, regarding the designed multiple choices, there is no learning objective that reflects it. Thus, it would be better for you to add the learning objective, for example ‘answering several questions through the teacher (because you mean that the teacher reads the questions for the students)’. By adding it, it will accommodate the activities (multiple choice) that are going to apply.
    - The context in this lesson plan is clear. You provide a story related to the material that helps the students having reasons to do the activities in the classroom.
    - Since you focus on the speaking skill, it is better for you to modify the game. For example, you may choose one of the students in the group to be the instructor who reads ‘Bring me a red pencil’. By doing this, I think the students will have not only a chance for them to comprehend ‘colors’ but also more opportunities to use the language.
    - In the activities, I did not find any of them that cover the designed multiple choice. In the lesson plan, you after applying the game, then you close the lesson. My question is that where will you place the activity? I think, the assessment comes from the activities that have been done. Therefore, it is also better for you to mention explicitly when the multiple choice will be applied and how. For example, you may add it after the game in the hope that the students already get a lot of input to do the exercises.
    But above all, in this revision, your lesson plan is better than the first one. Since we are learning together, hopefully, those ‘lyrics’ written before as the suggestions can make a beautiful ‘song’ at the end ^_^

  2. - last but not least, your exercises (multiple choices) contain context which is good. Then, I think, it will be better if you give an example first in order to guide the students to do those questions. (an addition to previous suggestions )
