The Power of Learning Leads to the Power of Sharing and the Power of Sharing Leads to the Power of Empowering!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Lesson Plan

School : Elementary School
Subject : English
Class/Semester : IV/I
Time allocation : 1 x 60 minutes

A. Standard Competence
2. Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas
B. Basic Competence
2.3 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: berterima kasih, meminta maaf, memberi maaf, melarang, memuji, dan mengajak
C. Objectives
In the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
1. Recall some sentences with expression to give compliment using linking verbs in English correctly.
2. Give example at least 5 nouns that might be found in a party in English spoken form correctly. (Cake, gift, dress, flowers, food)
3. Produce the expression of giving compliment using linking verb in the sentence properly.
D. Materi Pokok
“It Looks Good”
Linking Verb : look, sound, smell, taste, feel
Noun :
a. Recycled Nouns : balloons, flowers, syrup, food,
b. New Nouns : cake, gift, decoration, dress, song
Adjectives :
a. Recycled Adjectives : delicious, big, sweet, good
b. New Adjectves : fresh, beautiful, nice, happy, colorful
E. Activities
Pre-activity (5 minutes)
1. Students are greeted by the teacher and asked about their condition (How are you?)
2. Students asked by the teacher (How do you feel today?)
3. Teacher leads the students to answer by using expression of “I feel...”
4. One of students is asked to ask the same question to one of their friends. (For example: T: Nida, please ask Firdha, how do you feel today?. N: Firdha, how do you feel today?. F: I feel happy.) [3 students are sufficient]
Whilst (35 minutes)
5. Teacher bridge to the material by saying, "I'm so happy because yesterday, my friend ririn, invited me to her birthday party", “Have you ever gone to a party before?” and “What do you usually find in a party?”
6. Students are shown by teacher some pictures of things they might find in a party.
7. Teacher asks students’ opinion about the pictures (e.g: “How does the dress look?”)
8. Teacher introduces some linking verbs to the students based on the pictures. (e.g: “The dress looks beautiful, “The song sounds good”, etc)
9. Students are asked to repeat after the teacher.
10. Teacher delivers a story about Ririn’s birthday.
11. Teacher asks the students to imagine their own birthday party.
12. Teacher asks the students to draw their own birthday party on a piece of paper.
13. Teacher takes a look at one of students’ drawings and shows it in front of the class.
14. Teacher demonstrates how to ask opinion to the students (What do you think about the balloons?) [While the teacher is pointing to the balloons in the picture].
15. Teacher demonstrates how to give compliment (The balloons look colorful).
16. Teacher asks the students to take a look at his/her chair mate’s drawing.
17. Teacher asks the student to practice about asking opinion and giving compliment with their chair mates.
18. Teacher asks two students to come forward
19. Teacher asks the students to show their drawings in front of the class.
20. Teacher asks the one of the students to ask for opinion about one of the things in his/her picture.
21. Teacher asks the other student to give compliment about that thing.
22. Teacher asks both of the students to take turn to practice the dialogue.
23. Teacher asks some more couples to come forward to do the same thing.
Post-activity (20 minutes)
 Students are asked about the activity that has been performed while the teacher listing in what students say on the board.
 Students are asked about the difficulties of the materials given during the learning session.
 Teacher tells the students that they are going to have a test.
 Teacher gives students a paper of test.
 Students do it individually.
 Students collect their quiz paper on teacher’s table after they finish their test.
 Teacher closes the class session.
G. Media
 Pictures
 Board
 Marker
 Drawings
Yesterday is Ririn’s birthday. She has a birthday party in her house. I come to her house.
Knock. Knock. Knock. I knock at her door.
Then Ririn opens the door.
There she is! She wears a red dress. She is very pretty.
I say “Good afternoon. Happy birthday, Ririn!”
“Thank you. What do you think about my dress?,” says Ririn.
“The dress looks beautiful,” I say.
“Well, thanks again. Please come in,” says Ririn.
Then I walk into her house. The party is full with decoration.
“What do you think about the decoration?” asks Ririn.
“The decoration looks nice. Wow! And you have so many balloons too. The balloons look colorful,” I say.
“Yes, they do. Oh look, I have flowers too over here. What do you think about the flowers?”
“The flowers smell good,”
“Wait a minute. Now it’s time to slice the cake,” says Ririn.
Everybody sings “Birthday Song” when Ririn slices the cake. The song sounds good.
Then Ririn gives me a slice of her birthday cake. Hmmm, the cake tastes sweet!
“After you eat the cake, please go over there to take the food and the drink.” says Ririn.
Now it’s time for me to eat. I take some food on my plate. I eat it. I also take a glass of syrup.
“My mother cooks all the food. What do you think about the food?” asks Ririn.
“The food tastes delicious. And the syrup, oh, the syrup feels fresh!”
“Oh yeah. Look at this, birthday present from my Father! What do you think about the present?”
“Whoa… the present looks big. Your father is so kind, Ririn,” I say.
“Thank you. And thank you for coming to my party today. I am so happy,” says Ririn.
“You’re welcome Ririn. Look at everybody here. They are smiling. They feel happy, too,”
Choose the correct answer and cross (X) the alphabet (a, b or c).
1. There are so many balloons. The balloons look __________________.
a. colorful b. delicious c. happy
2. Ririn wears red dress. The dress ____________ beautiful.
a. smells b. sounds c. looks.
3. Everybody in the party is smiling. They feel _____________.
a. sad b. happy c. tired
4. The guests sing “Happy Birthday” for Ririn. The song _____________ good.
a. tastes b. looks c. sounds
5. Mother cooks a lot of food. The food tastes _____________.
a. bitter b. salty c. delicious
6. Ririn’s parents decorate the room for the party. The decoration looks ____________.
a. nice b. bad c. scary
7. Mother drinks a glass of syrup. The syrup ____________ cold.
a. sounds b. feels c. smells
8. Father gives a birthday present for Ririn. The gift looks ______________.
a. delicious b. fresh c. big
9. There are flowers in the vase. The flowers smell _____________.
a. nice b. stinky c. dirty
10. Ririn eats her birthday cake. The cake _____________ sweet.
a. smells b. tastes c. sounds
1. My mother cooks a bowl of noodle. It tastes______________
a. delicious b. fresh c. scary


  1. Hello friends I am Hikmah Nur insani, I think the topic of your lesson plan is interesting . I want to comment some points here. Since the learners are elementary school, so that I'll be in young learners point of view.
    1. The learning objectives are simple and can be reached by the students.

    2.The point 7, 8 ,9 should be re-arrange. It should be 8,9,7 because after the teacher shows some pictures then asks student's opinion, it will be confused. According to Didi Suherdi(2010) in classroom discourse analysis, there will be irrelevant response and teacher should rephrase or gives new clues to make the students understand.

    3. In point 10 and 11, I think, there is no connection between those activities. There will be a defective exchange because there is no contribution from the secondary knower. I think that after teacher selivers the story, she or he can re-check whether the students understand or not about the story. For instance, teacher can give questions according to the story.

    4. The idea to draw students' bitrhday party is good. It will be better if the students just not drawing but the students can mention all of things in the draw according to the learning objectives that could mention of nouns in birthday party. For example, students put the name of nouns in the draw.

    5. Relevant with the scaffolding , I think activities 21,22,23 are not important because it just 60 minutes. The three activities before are enough to make students understand about giving complemetn. So, think about it.

    Last, I just want to share my ideas about this lesson plan. As a teacher, we need to share each other. Keep spirit in teaching young learners! :)

  2. Thank you Hikmah for your inspirative input. It will become good consideration for us. Keep Spirit!

  3. overall, your group's lesson plan is better. in the story, for instance, you made an improvement in giving dialogue. so that the use of the expression can be seen, and it can be a tool for you to teach that expressions instead of only giving naration.
    however, we still found some weaknesses of your lesson plan. first of all, your activities are just too vary. it'll take more time. besides, it will make the students getting confused.
    In addition, I agree with Hikmah said in point 3 that when the teacher had delivered the story there is no follow up to check whether the students understand or not with the story. perhaps you can give them some questions related to the story before the teacher ask them to imagine their own birthday party.
    Secondly, the evaluation should be changed in term of question is due to in your activity you input several dialogue especially in the story. we think that it will be better if the form of the questions are adjusted to the dialogue. Therefore the students don't get more difficulties to do the test.

  4. Well, as far as I can tell, this lesson plan is well-formed and child-friendly where the teacher slowly raise the motivation of the students and then involve them, as suggested by Cameron about the learner-centred teaching that places the child at the center of teacher thinking (Cameron, 2001), in the activity since the beginning by using chain-question. This lesson plan also shows a well-served learning style by facilitating the “visual” students by presenting pictures and also triggers their imagination with the birthday party thing then facilitating the "kinesthetic" students by asking them to draw their own birthday party [card?].
    After that, the activity where teacher invites students to present their drawing is a really good thing since, as Cameron (2001) said, young learners are active learners, who will find a meaning and purpose for activities that are presented to them . And also, I really like how you come up with the Evaluation test, which I think is really well-formed and easy to understand by the students. :)
    Maybe one thing that I want to confirm about, that is about the second learning objectives that said "...students are expected to be able to give example at least 5 nouns that might be found in a party in English spoken form correctly. (Cake, gift, dress, flowers, food)", what that this means and how we, as the teachers, can make the students do that?

    Best Regards,

    Harry Rama Putra
