The Power of Learning Leads to the Power of Sharing and the Power of Sharing Leads to the Power of Empowering!

Friday, October 5, 2012


Course identity
Level                           : 6th Grade of Elementary School
Subject                                    : Public Places
Skill                             : Reading
Time allocation            : 2 x 30 minutes

Standard Competence
Memahami instruksi  dan informasi sangat sederhana baik secara tindakan maupun  bahasa dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik.
Basic Competence
Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan secara berterima dalam kegiatan di dalam dan luar kelas.

Learning Objective (s)
By the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1.      Identify several public places (museum, post office, mosque, restaurant, market).through the text entitled “Study Tour”.
2.      Identify the possible activities (seeing the picture of Indonesian heroes, interviewing postman, having lunch, praying, buying some souvenirs) through the text entitled “Study Tour”.
3.      Read aloud the text ‘Study Tour’
4.      Answer several questions related to the text.
5.      Mention some other places by writing it down on the box provided.
Learning Materials
Tomorrow we will go to the 6 places. First, we will go to the zoo. We will see many animals. Second, we will go to the Museum. We will see the picture of Indonesian heroes there. Third, we will go to Post-office. We will interview the postman. After that, we will go to the Restaurant to have lunch. Then, we will pray at the Mosque. After that we will go to the market  to buy some souvenir.
Language focus
-          Vocabularies
Public places: 
o   Museum
o   Post-office
o   Mosque
o   Restaurant
o   Market
o   Theatre  
-          The use of “will” (future tense) through the text

Learning Activities
1.      Teacher greets students.
Example: “Good morning class. How are you today?”
2.      Teacher checks students’ attendance.
Example: “Let’s check the attendance first. Who is absent today?”
3.      Teacher announces the students that they will have a study for next week.
Example: “OK students, we will have a study tour next week?”
“Do you want to join study tour?”
4.      Teacher tells that they will go to the several places.
Example: “Well students, do you know where will we go next week?”
“To know the places let us read this schedule from the headmaster.”
Main Activity
5.      Teacher shows the slide containing of the text about study tour.
6.      Teacher reads the first two sentences of the text for the students.
7.      Teacher asks some students randomly to continue reading aloud the text
8.      Teacher asks the students several questions orally to the students related to the text.
Example: “how many places that we will visit? What are they?”
9.      Teacher distributes a piece of paper containing several questions related to the text.
10.  Teacher tells the instruction to the students.
The instructions are:
-          Students have you got the paper?
-          Paper on the air (students rise the paper)
-          Ok, here what you have to do are first read the text again then, read the question on the paper, and choose the best answer based on the text.
-          For example, question number 1, Ana please read it. (Ana reads the question number 1) so, what do you think? What we can see in the zoo?
-          Students answered.
-          Yes good
-          We can see many animals.
-          Where can you find the ‘many animals’ is it a, c, or d?
-          Yes, ‘many animals’ is in ‘a’. So, you have to cross ‘a’ (teacher demonstrates how to cross ‘a’).
11.  Teacher gives 10 minutes to allow the students finishing their work.
12.  Teacher asks the students to stop working.
13.  Teacher evaluates the exercises together with the students.
14.  Teacher asks several students to answer it orally.
Example: “Rani, please read the question number 2. What is the answer?”
“Anyone has different answer?”
15.  Teacher asks the students to do the next activity.
16.  Teacher encourages the students to write the place that they want to add in their study tour.
The instructions are:
Students, our headmaster tells me that you can add some places to visit in the study tour. Now, what place do you want to go?
For example me, I want to go to Theatre. I will watch a wonderful movie. What about you?
Now, write down the places that you want on the box. (Teacher demonstrates how to do it)
Post activity
17.  Teacher reviews the lesson.
Example: “What have we been discussed?”
18.  Teacher asks the students’ feeling.
Example: “Do you enjoy the class? What is your favorite activity?”
19.  Teacher gives homework to the students.
Example: “Please tell what you can do in our school?”
20.  Teacher closes the class.
Slides related to the story.

Cross (x) the best answer based on the text.
Number 1 is done for you.
1.      What will we see in the zoo ? (You will find the answer in the first line)
a.       Animals           b. many people            c. many buildings        d. many pictures
2.      Where will we see the picture of Indonesian heroes?
a.                           b.
c.               d.
3.      Where will we buy some souvenir?
a.                             b.       
c.                                         d.
4.      Where will we pray?
a.                 b.       
c.                        d.
5.      What will we do in the ?
a.       We will interview the post-office.
b.      We will buy some souvenir.
c.       We will have lunch.
d.      We will see the picture of Indonesian heroes.
6.      What will we do in the ?
a.       We will interview the post-office.
b.      We will buy some souvenir.
c.       We will have lunch.
d.      We will see the picture of Indonesian heroes.

The headmaster tells that you can add some places to visit in the study tour. Now, what place do you want to go? What will you do there? Please write it down on the box.
What will you do?
I will watch a wonderful movie.

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