The Power of Learning Leads to the Power of Sharing and the Power of Sharing Leads to the Power of Empowering!

Friday, October 5, 2012


Lesson Plan
Grade                                   : 5 / I
Language Skill                   : Listening & Speaking
Topic                                     : Physical ilness
Time Allocation                                : 1x40 minutes

Standard competence
Basic Competence
Bercakap-cakapuntukmenyertaitindakansecaraberterima yang melibatkantindaktutur: membericontohmelakukansesuatu, memberi aba-aba, danmemberipetunjuk
Learning Objectives
In the end of the lesson students are expected to:
·         Identify kinds of physical illness
·         Mention kinds of physical illness.
·         Pronounce kinds of physical illness.
·         Identify the expressions of asking and giving information about physical illness

Learning Materials
1.       Vocabulary of physical illness:
-          Headache
-          Toothache
-          Earache
-          Cold
-          Stomachache
-          Fever
-          Sore throat
-          backache
2.       Interrogative sentence for asking or seeking information about physical illness:
What is the matter?
What is the matter with him/her?
3.       Declarative sentence for responding question, for instance:
I have a stomachache
She/he has a toothache

Learning Activities
1.       Teacher greets the students “Good morning children”. “How are you today?”
2.       Teacher checks the attendance.
3.       Teacher does small talk about teacher’s experience when he/she was sick.
Example:  “Yesterday, I was wet because of the hard rain, and I got sick, so I need to take a rest for three days.”
4.       Teacher asks student whether they ever sick?
5.       Teacher asks the students about kinds of physical illness.
6.       Teacher delivers the topic of the lesson today. “Well, today we are going to learn about physical illness.”

Main Activity
Activity I
7.       Teacher tells the student that class will be visited by a doctor to check the health of students. (doctor = puppet)
8.       The doctor shows the picture of physical illness to the students.
9.       The doctor and the teacher invite all students to spell and pronouncetogether the name of physical illness of the picture.
10.   The doctor asks the students whether some of them ever got physical illness mentioned in the picture.
Activity 2
11.   The teacher student to work in pair
12.   the teacher give the instruction; the first member will be a doctor, and the other member will be a patient.
13.   The teacher demonstrate the instruction, which the teacher will be the patient and the puppet will be the doctor.
14.   The doctor interrogate the teacher; “what’s the matter?”
15.   The teacher respond by giving information (his/her condition); “I have a toothache.
16.   The doctor/puppet gives the suggestion or advice; “You should see the dentist.”
17.   Teacher distribute the transcript of the dialog.
18.   Teacher ask students to start the instruction (work in pair)
Post activity
19.   Teacher says that the doctor has to go to the hospital and he had to go and leaves.
20.   The students say bye to the doctor.
21.   Teacher tells students that before the doctor leave he/she gave us a gift (a bowl of cards; contains of the name off physical illness.
22.   Teacher moves around and ask students one by one to take the cards in the bowl.
23.   Teacher gives instruction; when he/she mentioned the same physical illness with the cards in their hand, they have to stand up and miming the physical illness of their card.
24.   Teacher closes the lesson
25.   Teacher gives a homework; find another physical illness.
1.       Puppet: the doctor.
2.       Power point slide show contains series of physical illness picture
3.       Power point slide show contains of the dialogue
4.       Flash secret cards in a bowl.

Name of Friend

Correct answers multiply 10
e.g. = 8 x 10 = 80
Choose the A, B, C, or D as the best answer by putting the cross (X) on the answer
1.       _________ the matter with you?
a.       What is         b. What                c. How                  d. Why 

Read the questions and answer carefully.
1.       Andri ________ a stomach ache. He donot come to the class today.
a.       need             b. has                    c. want                 d. like   
Based on the picture, he has_________
a.       Headache
b.      Earache
c.       Stomachache
d.      Sore throat

3.       Tina has a toothache, so she should _________
a.       Take an Aspirin
b.      Lie down
c.       Go to the doctor
d.      See the dentist
4.       What’s matter with her?
She  _________
a.       Has a sore throat
b.      Has a fever
c.       Has a stomachache
d.      Has a backache

5.       I have a backache

6.       Toni : What’s the matter with you?
Rina : I have a headache
Toni : Oh, you should ______
Rina : Thanks, it’s a good idea
a.       See the dentist
b.      Go to the doctor
c.       Take an Aspirin
d.      Get some rest

7.       Rini : What’s wrong with you?
Rinto : I have a _________
Rini : Oh, you should see the dentist
Rinto : That’s a good idea, Thank you Rini
a.       Headache
b.      Toothache
c.       Fever
d.      Cold

8.       Andi :  What’s the matter with you?
Rita :  I have a __________
Andi:  You should________
Rita : thank you Andi, that’s good idea
a.       Fever, see the dentist
b.      Backache, lie down
c.       Stomachache, see the dentist
d.      Toothache, lie down
Anton’s bad day
Today is Anton’s bad day. He does not go to school because he ill. He has  a _______ because he eats a lot of chocolate. He also cannot sleep because he has a pain in his back.
9.       Choose the correct answer to complete the second sentence!
a.       Earache
b.      Fever
c.       Cold
d.      Toothache
10.   “he has a pain in his back” what is the meaning of the words in italic form?
a.       Anton has a fever
b.      Anton has a cold
c.       Anton has a backache
d.      Anton has a earache


  1. In my point of view, the syllabus of Naim's group is quite good. However, there are some aspects that can make it perfect if Naim's group do some corrections. The first is in the learning objectives, it does not mention that students are expected to spell kinds of physical illness, while in the learning activities, there is an activity that requires students to spell kinds of physical illness. That's irrelevant, I think.
    Then,in the post activities, the teacher closes the class first then gives the students homework. It will be better if we excange it. So, the teacher gives the homework to the students first then closes the class.
    The next is I do not really understand about the assessment of flash secret cards in a bowl since the syllabus does not provide the clear explanation about it. Then, about the test, I think the syllabus provides the clear and understandable instruction for the students. However, it will be better if the test provides the context for all of the questions since in this test, the context is only provided for some questions, while the rest are not.
    But, overall the syllabus is good. Thank you :)

  2. Dear friends,
    First thing first I would like to apologize for replying late.
    After reading your work, there are some points I want to highlight; they are:
    - There are some grammatical mistakes in your lesson plan, e.g. “Yesterday, I was wet because of the hard rain, and I got sick, so I need(ed) to take a rest for three days.”, Teacher asks student whether they (have been)ever sick (or not), The doctor interrogate(s) the teacher; “what’s the matter?”
    Those are some examples of grammatical mistakes in your lesson plan. It will be better if you develop your lesson plan grammatically correct, since everyone will read it.

    - The unmatched relation between one of learning objectives and learning activity. For this point, I agree with Listya's view. It is obvious that in the learning objectives you mention that in the end of the lesson the students are expected to be able to pronounce kinds of physical illness, however, in your learning activities, this learning objective is not accommodated. It will be better if the teacher pronounce each physical illness that she/he explains to the students, therefore the students can repeat the pronunciation.

    - Unclear learning objective: Identify the expressions of asking and giving information about physical illness. In my point of view, rather than exploring students' ability to identify the expressions, it will be better if they can use the expressions properly and appropriately.

    - Overlapping learning focus. Your focus is physical illness, but then treatments or cures of the illness are also emphasized (You should see the dentist). It is okay to provide some treatments to the illness, but please make sure that the students get enough input to give some suggestions for curing the illness, therefore you have to state additional objective, e.g. the students are able to give suggestions of curing the illness.

    - The multiple choice is not well-formed since there is no context for question number 1-8. Moreover, in my view, the question number 10 is too complicated for the students, because it employs inferential question.

    - Again, please make sure that your grammar is correct when you develop tests for the students: He does not go to school because he (is) ill.

    Those are some points that I want to highlight based on what I have learned. However, your work also emphasizes good points in terms of creativity.
    - Bringing a real context by using familiar character, a doctor, to the teaching-learning activity is creative.

    - Integrated skills between listening and speaking that you propose are well constructed in which the students can learn sequentially.
    Good job, then :)

  3. Hello friends, first of all I would like to apologize for giving this comment late.

    According to the lesson plan you have made, I would like to highlight some points. In my opinion your lesson is good enough since you provide the character (puppet) in which can attract your students to learn. In addition, the pair work activity also the good point in which can help your students to practice the expressions.

    In addition, I would like to sum up some points based on your lesson:

    - The learning objectives are integrated between listening and speaking skills. Thus, there is one of objective that should be followed by the next objective. In this case, one of the objective is identify the expressions of asking and giving information about physical illness. It would be better if you add the use of expressions rather than only identifying it.

    - Before you ask your students to work in pair, you need to give your students more time to practice the expressions first. This activity is intended to make sure the structure used in those expressions. In addition it also intended to make the students pronounce those expressions accurately followed by the accurate intonation. In this case you can say the expressions and ask your students to repeat.

    - In the role play activity, you provide the transcription of the dialogue. I think it is not necessary in order to make your students use the creativity of using language and use the language naturally. Because text can make a boundary for the students use the language.

    - There are some questions in the multiple choice not in context. It would be better you develop the context in your assessment.

    - There are some expressions unrelated to the learning objectives. I found in the learning activity and in the assessment there are some expressions of giving suggestion towards the illness in which are not provided in the learning objectives. It would be better for you to add the learning objectives. If there is not enough time to give the students those expressions, you can give those expressions later. So that, your students will be not confused. Unless you have given those expressions in the previous meeting.

    Thank you :)
